Many of the environmental and social benefits that Collserola Natural Park offers us often goes unnoticed. Do you want to discover them?

A rich mosaic of landscapes where more than 5,500 species coexist

Did you know…

More than 5,500 species have been identified in Collserola. More than 250 are vertebrate animals that live in the Park: 191 birds, 28 mammals, 17 reptiles, 10 amphibians and 7 types of fish.

66% of Collserola are Habitats of Community Interest (HCI): forests, natural environments and crop fields. There are essential for the natural dynamics of ecosystems (pollinators, seed dispersers, decomposers, pest controllers, etc.) and for the ecological connectivity of the metropolitan network of natural spaces in Barcelona.

The Biodiversity of Collserola is a great Vital Benefit!


Collserola is a Natural Park with many environmental and social benefits, for this reason it is vital to respect the advice and regulations to preserve it:

If you plan to visit the Park, do not alter the natural habitats:

  • Respect wildlife, do not leave food within their reach as it alters their health and behavior.
  • Never release pets in the natural park
  • Always have your dog on a leash


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