Governing bodies
The Consortium of the Serra de Collserola Natural Park is an institutional, local public entity of an associational nature whose purpose is the management and development of the Special Plan for the Development and Protection of the Natural Environment of the Parc de Collserola.
Presidency and management
The president is the legal representative of the Consortium and oversees its governance and administration. The vice-president substitutes the president in the event of vacancy, absence or illness. Both are chosen from among the members of the General Assembly, who belong to Barcelona provincial council (Diputació) and the public metropolitan administration known as Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB). Thus, one of these posts is occupied by a representative of the AMB and the other by a representative of the Diputació. The executive vice-president is responsible for the coordination and management of Consortium services and is appointed by the president. The general director has direct authority over Consortium staff and services and is designated by the Executive Committee.
General assembly
The General Assembly is the Consortium’s supreme deliberation and decision-making body. It is made up of 10 members from Barcelona Diputació, 10 members from Barcelona Metropolitan Area, four members from the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat), one member from each city or town council affiliated to the Consortium and one member from an invited entity.
Executive committee
The Executive Committee is an operational body established to monitor and put in place mechanisms for the implementation of decisions taken in the General Assembly.
The Executive Committee comprises 21 members, of which at least three are representatives of Barcelona Diputació, three are taken from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and three from the Government of Catalonia. They do not necessarily have to be members of the General Assembly.
Consultive committee
The Consultative Committee is the advisory body which brings together the social, academic, cultural, professional and economic sectors alongside private non-profit organisations that pursue goals of general interest which coincide with those of the Consortium.
Scientific advisory committee
The aim of the Scientific Advisory Committee is to provide advice based on scientific knowledge to the governing body and management body of the Natural Park regarding actions to be undertaken. Its creation is pursuant to Article 13 of Decree 146/2010, of declaration of the Natural Park of the Serra de Collserola and of the partial nature reserves of the Font Groga and the Rierada-Can Balasc.
More info
- Government bodies (catalan website)
- Consultive board (catalan website)
- Scientific advisory board (catalan website)