Many of the environmental and social benefits that the Collserola Natural Park offers us often goes unnoticed… Do you want to discover them?
Vegetation retains rainwater and contributes to recharge streams, fountains and aquifers

Did you know…

The rain recharges the streams, fountains and underground aquifers throughout Collserola. The Park has 210 kilometers of streams, more than 200 natural sources and 16 hectares of forests and riverside vegetation. These aquatic environments are essential for the preservation of species and guarantee ecological connectivity of the metropolitan network of natural spaces in Barcelona. We need to ensure its ecological quality! The water in Collserola is a Vital Benefit!


Collserola is a Natural Park with many environmental and social benefits, for this reason it is vital to respect the advice and regulations to preserve it:

  • Do not allow dogs to bath in streams or other water areas
  • Observe plants and mosses without damaging them
  • Do not alter the aquatic environments

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